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This blog was created as a class project for an Information and Analytics class at Chatham University. The team members, Aimee Hagerty, Alexandra Haggerty, and Grace Yu, and Sasha King researched the benefits of the Google Analytics system. The purpose of this project is to create a systematic analysis of the benefits of the system, costs for implementation, value for corporations, and the various security risks involved. Think of it as a virtual, interactive, white paper that you can use to make better decisions concerning your digital analytic needs. Please note that we analyzed the effectiveness of Google Analytics based on the company IVK Corporation from the book for out course, Adventures of an IT Leader. On a lighter note, the book is an entertaining read that teaches you how to manage as a CIO(Chief Information Officer). Aspiring CIOs and tech novices who help make IT decisions on the job will find in invaluable.
We want you to get the most from this project, so similar to skimming a book, here are some highlights from each section to help you choose which section of our project will be the most helpful for your needs.
System Overview- This section explains what Google Analytics is and it's benefits. This is great for beginners.
Cost Analysis- Google Analytics comes in two formats, free or Premium. This posting explains the costs associated with implementing the software with a larger corporation. If work for a major company that has a website with growing traffic, you may want to use this as a rubric to decide whether or not to use Google Analytics Premium. Also, the ROI formula we use from Harvard Business Review may help you decided if using it is worth it.
Value Assessment- Do you need to explain the benefits of Google Analytics to your boss? Do you need resources or ideas on how to use Google Analytics to track web-based trends? Are you looking for a few success stories to decided how to solve your web page problems? If so, read this section.
Risk Assessment- All software systems have risks. Read about the risks associated with Google Analytics and how to manage the European Cookie Policy.
Comparative Analysis-Google Analytics is fantastic, but so are the alternatives. Check out this section if you're unsure about Google Analytics or you're considering pulling the plug on your Google Analytics account to try an alternative.
Good luck in your tech endeavors.
Fantastic Four Team